As a professional developer, you should know how to work with different programming languages. The best books will help you get a better understanding of the coding process and how to design functional websites. You should read reviews about books on programming and Web development from those at your level to discover the most helpful information.

Jon Duckett’s HTML and CSS: Design and Construct Websites is a well-written book that introduces new Web developers to the essential skills they need to become proficient in their profession. The book provides a comprehensive overview and explains the latest techniques. It also contains a collection useful examples to use as a reference.

This is among the most extensive books on HTML and CSS that you can find, and it contains numerous exercises and examples to help you understand. The author uses a learn-by-doing method of teaching Web development, which is why each chapter focuses on a single topic. This helps readers understand the concepts faster and more efficiently.

The book covers the basic principles of CSS, such as typography, user-experience, and structure. It also addresses issues that influence the overall performance of web pages, including speed and accessibility. This book is a must for anyone who wants to enhance their Web development abilities.

This book covers the fundamentals of PHP and MySQL in an easy-to-follow practical manner. It includes captivating examples of code, infographics and illustrations that show readers how to develop new applications. It is perfect for those who wish to apply their new skills to create The Document Object Model: Processing Structured Documents an efficient content management system and enhance social media’s functionality.


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